Friday, April 16, 2010

Chapter 7, Day 16

So, tonight in my theory class, we have our first test. It's over the general 500 YEAR HISTORY of restaurants and the folks that began creating them, food sanitation, cooking methods, heat transfer methods, and recipe conversions... I am pretty sure there could not be a more random mix of things for a class to have one single test over. The history part would be so bad if they weren't all french and all of the words they used... well, they're french too. I suppose I'm fortunate to have had 3 years of french in high school and 2 semesters of it at UK (but I think we all know how well I performed there and ALL of the things that I've done since then to destroy brain cells). The food sanitation part is cool because it's just review from the other classroom-class I have this semester. Cooking methods (which also include equipment ID) is tough but it's doable. Heat transfer methods, well, that's just basic physics that I've somehow managed to actually retain all these years. And that leaves us with recipe conversions--breaking down recipes that make 100 servings into smaller portions... simple math, right??? Do you know how many ounces a Grade A Large Egg is? Do you know how many teaspoons are in a gallon?

I'm pretty sure if I stick one more number in my head right now, my frontal lobe will fall right out... right on to the floor in front of me, do a little dance, roll over and laugh at me, and then proceed to steam and melt away a la the wicked witch in The Wizard of Oz.

What a world...

Ah well, this is what I signed on for so, suck it up Harris!


Jen said...

I can't even imagine the recipe breaking down ... I struggle when I double or half a recipe ... and, yes, I used to work with numbers all day everyday.

Good luck tonight! You'll rock it!

Philip Deskins said...

Feel free to break down some vegan meals and then break down and come over and practice fixing them with us! Keep up the good work Harris! I'm so damned proud of you!

Ms. Thomas said...

Hey Phil... I checked out La Dolce Vegan cookbook at the library, and so far, it's making me very hungry.

Amy, I'll trade you places. Tomorrow I start learning how to give old people baths and how to tell everyone else, "Step on the scale please."

Ruby said...

Four ounces? Two hundred teaspoons?
Share the answers!! lol

Ames said...

2oz , 768 tsp
the egg i get... but tsp in a gallon??? why?