Thursday, November 27, 2008

Happy Thanksgiving Everybody

Hey y'all,

Sittin' here stuffed as a turkey (all puns intended) and just wanted to tell you all that I'm very thankful to have you all in my life. Even though I don't get to see everyone as much as I might want, you are all still a big part of my life and I'm thankful that you are there!

Happy Turkey Day!
Now take a nap.

Tuesday, November 04, 2008

Let Me Tell You About a Little Thing Called Fantasy Football

I got a call sometime in September... It was Phil and he wanted to know if I wanted to take back my spot (like 10 years removed) in the TRU Fantasy Football League... now, mind you, I had made a few meager attempts in the past to get back into it, but the league was always full, so, I was just sitting back, biding my time... waiting for someone to lose their mind. Little did I know that it would happen just like that.
Now, I'm not one to become easily addicted to things (I'll pause while you laugh your asses off), but this shit has got me sucked in. I find myself spending most of my free time on the internet reading stats, running scenarios over and over in my head, and bouncing back and forth between this player and that player (depending on whether or not I think they're worth playing that week). I listen to Mike and Mike in the Morning on ESPN radio on my way to work. So far, I'm 6 and 3 so I don't think I'm wasting my time, but some might say that it has become a slight obsession (sorry baby). I get intensely involved in my games... watching football all day Sunday... staying up too late on Sunday AND Monday... it's horrible...

But I can quit at any time...

Sunday, November 02, 2008

Cosmically Connected -- The Mini-Series

So, who do you think the first person was to say, "Hey, our hotel guests would really like their toilet paper rolls to have some nice triangular ends on them."

What a douche bag...