Thursday, June 19, 2008

So Now What???

So, we looked at the new house tonight. We absolutely adore it. The best part is that we took the time to INSPECT. Not only did I not see any minor cosmetic stuff, but I also didn't see any sign of any major problems... not even a piece of wallpaper coming off... There's just one thing though...

We're in a contract on this other house. We can't get out of this contract freely unless the current owner of the house we have a contract on decides that she doesn't want to fix the items that are wrong. My gut says she won't want to shell out $5000 to fix the stuff, but there's always the outside chance that she'll say 'yes' and then we're either locked in, or we walk away having to pay seller fees and other fees 'deemed reasonable by the selling broker,' whatever the hell that means.

I think I'm going to create an entire website dedicated to first-time homebuyers that says, 'Look... look... look... and look some more. Look at every property. Look closely at the properties. Look at it like your about to pay $100,000 for something you big excitable dumbass!'

There are no words that can describe being at the mercy of someone else because of your own stupidity. It makes you want to vomit. Had we paid more attention the first time around, there'd be no butterflies... there'd only be 'man, I'm glad we waited to find this one.'

Fortunately for us, we do have a very cool realtor who basically said, 'Hey, which one do you like better?' Our answer was of course the one we just looked at tonight and she basically said she would do whatever it took to get us out of this contract. Lancaster is a small town and there are basically three major real estate offices in the whole damn town. These people have to work with each other on a daily basis. Obviously we don't want to do anything that is going to jeopardize her relationship with her fellow realtors, but I'm sure she's dealt with this type of situation before... I don't know... I just have this knot in the pit of my stomach... I don't think I've ever been this nervous or unsure about anything in my life (and I've done a lot of dumb stuff).

The second guessing is the worst part. I know what's done is done, but you can't help it... or at least I can't (I'm sure that's no big surprise for those of you who know me and know that I think WAY TOO MUCH about shit like this), and it just keeps eating at my mind. I HATE BEING NAIVE ABOUT THE THINGS THAT I KNOW I'M NOT SUPPOSED TO BE NAIVE ABOUT.

Ok, well, I have to start playing some stupid game now or I'm going to think a hole in my brain... god knows I don't have much more to spare....



Ms. Thomas said...

If you can't get out of the contract by being honest, just refuse to agree to specific things and ask for more and more and more until she just says no, it's over. DO NOT let them pressure you into something you don't want. Realtors try to do that, but all you owe anybody at this point is the good faith money you put down. It is $100K, and you shouldn't part with it unless you're totally convinced.

Ames said...

Yeah, this lady is insane. We have gone so far as to have our banker issue a letter of denial of credit based upon condition of the house. She isn't even talking to the selling realtor anymore... I think she has lost her mind. On the upside, we have totally dismissed her crazy ass and put a contract on another house... the one in the last pictures. The sellers have accepted and we have issued a closing date after the expiration of the first contract, so hopefully there will be no conflicts. If everything goes to plan, we will be moving in on the first weekend in August. Party details to follow...

Jen said...

Any updates? Keeping my fingers crossed!

Lisa said...

House update! House update!