Thursday, February 15, 2007

I Miss it Already

Only 2 weeks ago, yet it already seems like forever... I wonder, what would it be like if we were there all the time (cue dream sequence)

Amy finally remembers how to bong a whole beer...

Neighbor Dave and Amy wonder "Who the Hell is this guy???"

Dave puts down his beer... sha... whatever...

Will, Megan, and Amy take their trio on the road and become "NightFever Superstar"
(what the hell am I doing there??? You know it's bad when you don't even remember singing with people OR being so in to it that you feel the need to flail about like you think you might be actually performing)

Damnit Amy, wake up!

Phew! Yeah, I don't know if I could do it all the time, but it sure is fun to be there and even more fun to look forward to next year!


Anonymous said...

Didn't the first day back at work after the ski trip SUCK?! It was great seeing you again!

Ms. Thomas said...

You actually did very good bonging the beer. Sorry I downed your effort, especially since I went to the other room to avoid the peer pressure. It was good to see you again. Where did you sleep anyway?

Ames said...

Yes, the first day back sucked big booty... and I was in the lesser-known third cabin... very, very quiet when i was read to have quiet

Jen said...

I'm so sad I missed it, I'm definitely in for next year!

Also, not to be a downer on the ski trip posts, but I miss the other material - this was becoming one of my top 5 blogs, don't let it slip...

Jana said...

The third cabin was so quiet because I occupied that cabin. It is very hard to make a lot of noise when you are passed out!