I know, I know. It has been entirely too long since I have posted anything. For that, I am sorry. I find it terribly difficult to come up with new things to say (I think way too much about trivial crap - shut up Jess).
Let us begin with school. I'm still in Baking. It is hard for me to get super excited about the baking... it is very formulaic. Once you get the method and formula, it is like mental masturbation... you just keep doing the same thing over and over. Like, this past Saturday, we made bread. Two weeks before, we made bread. Two weeks before that, we made bread. Some pies and cookies spread throughout, but it is all very cut and dry. I'm pretty sure, in a pinch, I could be a bread maker as my Clark Kent... but I'd have to be a chef as my Superman... I just love the rush of figuring out new flavors and just making stuff up on the fly and having it be just awesome. The breakfast casseroles that were made for STXI never had a recipe. The only 'formula' I had was for the custard.
Everything else, down to the nutmeg, came right out of my head. That's what gets me going... the thrill of the knowledge and the application coming together to make something that people go gaga over.
Speaking of STXI...
Wow! What an awesome time! You know it is a good time when someone has to show you video of the night because you remember cracking open the tequila bottle and that's about it... And waking up Sunday morning with a wad of 48 one-dollar bills in your pants pocket knowing that you must have kicked ass at LRC (again, even though you don't remember it).
The only unfortunate part was that I woke up Sunday morning with an awful sore throat and felt like poo. I have fought this crap for this whole past week. I'm pretty sure it was strep (can't be tonsillitis, don't have those) but here's the amazing part... about 2 months ago, I watched this documentary on PBS and they were talking about the power of vitamins. I'm sure there was some left-wing, Phil-type message in it, but there were some facts that I had no reason to refute. So, not long after, I started taking a multi-vitamin (to supplement any essential nutrients I might be missing in my diet), a 500mg Vitamin C tablet (anti-oxidant and immune booster), and a B-Complex tablet (helps in the conversion of food to energy and Niacin is a major mood enhancer). Back to the amazing part, with a little time (about 6 days) and these vitamins, my illness is disappearing. Now, I don't claim that the vitamins are curing illnesses, but I do find some merit in the fact that they are providing my body with the power it needs to fight it off itself without antibiotics or other drugs. I will say that I took Nyquil, but only to help me sleep and some naproxen to help ease the pain of the sore throat, but those are basically not going to do anything to cure an illness, they just help with the symptoms.
That brings us to today... Sunday. I love Sundays. It is the only day of the week where the only thing I really have to do is laundry. I can sit around in my underoos all day if I want too... and nobody gives me grief. I can blog, watch Food Network, pet my dogs, and burp...
I love Sundays.
I'm wondering if "Food Matters" is the film you are speaking of. I'm glad that you have discovered Niacin! I drink a lot of orange juice and take vitamin B12 because that is recommended for vegans. Never felt better.
Phil, it was Food Matters... a pretty enlightening show to say the least... I'd love to see the actual research that they kept quoting.
I have to admit, I was skeptical about the Vitamin B stuff, but I really have noticed quite a difference in my energy and mood level... I figure, hell, it can't hurt.
To speak to your deleted post, it's OK to speak your mind. If I were willing to do something like that, your words of encouragement would be well-received. We can poke at each other... that's a part of being good friends. I give you crap for things you do, you give me crap for things I do... let's face it, we're just crap-givers :)
Yay for a post!! I've been taking vitamins daily for years and years ... love my daily pill counter to keep me on track ... I'm loving the pre-natal mixed with actually being pregnant, my hair has never been thicker : )
We love to hear from you, even just via pictures of what you're cookin' in school or around the house ... so keep it up! I hear ya about baking, I'm not a fan either, I much prefer cooking.
Love ya!!
I was afraid the first one came off as being preachy but I was only trying to be funny. Sometimes when you write things, they get taken out of context, so I didn't want to risk that. I've learned that people will ask me about my diet if they are curious and I will tell them what I know, otherwise, I just go on, doing my thing. Either way, let's keep giving each other crap. It's fun!
You did an awesome job Amy! I'm currently taking a multivitamin, fish oil, resveratol, and two baby aspirin. Boy things are changing! Are we going to be attending ski trips in our wheelchairs and on oxygen?!
The power of vitamins. Also, the power of real food that doesn't come from a box that is chock full of vitamins.
Bake me some bread. I'll trade you lentil masala...
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