Saturday, July 12, 2008

Hurry Up and Wait!

I find myself with some extra time now that I'm in the giant metropolis of Ashland... So, stop screaming for updates... here they are:

We had final inspection and termite inspection last week... no major issues... we have preliminary results from the final appraisal and it all looks good... Money's good... House's good... jesus f'in christ, I think we're buyin a house. Closing date will either be July 30th or 31st... so, basically in two and a half weeks, we'll be moving into our very own house! I'll let ya know when we get some final dates...



Anonymous said...

Congratulations on the new abode, ladies! Now, when shall we bring over the booze and break the new place in?

Anonymous said...

soon...very soon...

Anonymous said...

Yay! Congrats!