Thursday, June 05, 2008

So Many Things...

Forgive me bloggers, for I have sinned... It has been 4 months since my last post.

Well, let's see what has been going on... In April, we had a new addition to the family... everyone, Peter. Peter, everyone.

Peter was one of the doggies in that big Jackson County dog animal cruelty case. He and a hundred of his closest friends were malnourished and in generally bad shape and were moved to Grayhawk Animal Hospital in McKee. Jesse, Johnny, and myself volunteered there walking dogs and picking up their poop and Jesse fell in love with Peter. After a couple of weeks, he still hadn't been adopted, so, we got Peter.

When we got Peter home, things were great... everybody seemed to be getting along pretty well. So it appeared as though everything was going to be fine with the 5 dogs, 3 cats, 2 birds, and a turtle...

Then all of the sudden one day, Peter got his foot stuck in a place he shouldn't have been and started screaming like a banshee... as we go over to frantically get him unstuck, Squiggy (one of Johnny's dogs) decides to attack Peter... we got Peter unstuck and Jess picked him up to get him away from Squig... except Squiggy came along with Peter (he had a good grip on the inside of Peter's back leg)...

We thought, wow, I hope that doesn't happen anymore... but sure enough, the next morning, Squig went back after Pete. So we had some decisions to make... either we got rid of Pete or Johnny got rid of Squig, or we move out. After much deliberation, we decided it would be best if we just moved.

So now we're on the house hunt... we've looked at about 15 so far and not really found the one. If it is right priced and decent, it's too far away. If it is close enough and in our price range, the neighborhood sucks. We have two more to look at tomorrow that we feel good about... so I guess there will be more to come soon!


Anonymous said...

Way to stick by your pouch, guys! Good luck on the house hunting journey. Houses are like mates, there's one out there for everyone.

JD and I will be joining that hunt soon too, so you're not alone.

We miss you AMes and Jess! We need to do beer soon!

Anonymous said...

Why don't you move around here? Be our neighbors. Where are you looking?


Anonymous said...

heheheheheheheheh, she said she got Peter.

Jen said...

Oh my goodness gracious! You're back!! Thank you!

Pete is a cutie pie! And good luck with the househunt! Keep posting!

Ms. Thomas said...

Thanks for the update Amy. And good luck finding your house. I knew my house at Picadome was the one within 3 minutes of setting foot inside.... I still miss it. Someday when I'm rich, I might just buy it again I loved it so much. When you find the right one, you'll know. DON'T SETTLE!

Anonymous said...

Peter looks like Venus to me.