So, I really think I want to get deeper into this 'slow food' movement... I mean, it makes total sense for us as human beings to eat things that are produced locally and that don't have to be dipped in some sort of preservative to get to our mouths... So, I added this little box at the bottom-right side of my blog (it's been there for a couple of months now) to tell me what produce is in season at any given time... buy it local, buy it in season, buy it cheap, and it WILL be good...
Alas, for the last two weeks, I have gotten the proverbial blue screen of death in that little box "Nothing is in Season at this Time."
I guess I'm just going to have to learn how to do my own home preserving so I can enjoy things and save them when they are meant to be saved and not when someone at Birds Eye tells me it it's time...