Sunday, June 28, 2009

Random thoughts while mowing the yard

  • Sometimes riding around on a lawnmower crying makes me feel stupid...
  • It is pretty cathartic to ride around in circles with no where to go or no where to be...
  • You get to think up great one-liners that would be awesome in a song like "It's like the world suddenly stopped turning and my heart popped out of my chest and slammed against a concrete wall... not because it wanted to but because inertia told it to"
  • Tears down your cheek + dirt and grass blowing back in your face = one hell of a mess
  • If you get the lawnmower going fast enough down a hill it kinda feels like you're on a really shitty roller coaster.
  • You realize how stupid you look with your hands in the air while you are riding down said hill.
  • You get enough time with yourself to figure out that your head and your heart apparently speak to one another only when necessary... and by necessary, I mean never
I feel most sure that there will be more to come kids... just stay tuned...