Well, let's play catch-up:
- I have been working too much (as usual)
- I've decided that I do not want to do my job anymore, but I'm going to be strategic about it.
- I've made the move to finally finish my computer science degree.
- I applied to BCTCS to get my Associates degree (I think I need like 3 classes) and then, if I'm still feeling good about it, I'll try to go back to UK
I guess it's that point in my life (again, perhaps) where I have stopped to take stock of where I am. It's one thing to do a job and do it relatively well and hate it... It is quite another thing to figure out that it is not what you want to do for the rest of your life. This thing called life is a pretty weird thing. When I was younger, I just went to school cuz I thought that was what I was supposed to do. Then, when I was a little older than young, I said, "screw it, who wants to do this school thing." But then, I reached this point in my life where I realized, yeah, I could get a job doing what I like, but it would be a start at the bottom, work my way up, finally get to the point where I'm doing exactly what I want to do, but by that point, I'd probably be ready to retire... Where's the fun in that?
I think that was one thing that I always admired about Amber. She knew what she wanted to do from... well, from as long as I'd known her, and she went for it and did it. She didn't let our shenanigans (how the hell do you spell that?) get her too far off the path she chose. I on the other hand was the eternal lost soul... pretty good in a few different areas, but so non-committal that every shiny thing that passed by me caught my eye and I was so far off the path and so lazy, that I never made my way back. Ah youth...
Anyway, I figured since I caught hell at the pool party, I should probably at least give an update... so all you picketers and rioters can pick on someone else now...
See you soon....